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An image of Nyla flexing her muscles. Nyla is the reason for this scholarship.
An image of the logo representing Nyla D. Brown Heart Foundation. Small Veins, BIG Heart.

A Scholarship With Hearts Center-Focused

Nyla D. Brown
Heart Scholarship

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Our Purpose

In 2017, our beloved daughter, Nyla, was born with a congenital heart defect, Hypo-plastic Left Heart Syndrome (HLHS) which resulted in the left side of her heart being under-developed. Since then, it has been a goal of our family to help bring awareness and help other heart families in need while they sit, wait, and pray for a miracle. In years past, during the month of February (Heart Month), we held fundraisers which donated books, toys, clothing, and personal hygiene items to Levine Children's Hospital in Charlotte. This was our way of paying it forward.

​Fast forward to the present day and our mission has evolved to making an impact on heart health through education. In large numbers, African Americans, Hispanic/Latinx, and Native/Indigenous American people are at an increased risk of cardiovascular disease and are less likely to receive quality care compared to their White counterparts. Additionally, there are workforce disparities which may affect academics, research, and overall care of some patients. Diversity in the workforce is vital as it may provide different perspectives, connections, and builds trust. 

Our scholarship is a way of encouraging more under-represented students to pursue cardiovascular health as a career choice. Providing more workforce diversity and representation is important for marginalized communities and we are doing our part to make a change.  Student debt disproportionately affects these communities making it more complex to pursue their dreams. 

Quick Facts

        HLHS In the United States...

  • Approximately 1,025 babies are born with HLHS (Hypo-plastic Left Heart Syndrome) per year 

  • Equates to 1 in every 3,841 births

  • The causes of heart defects such as HLHS among most babies are unknown

  • Treatments involve multiple surgeries and interventions, medicines, and help with nutrition

  • Infants who have these surgeries are not cured. Patients with HLHS may have lifelong complications

        Heart disease in the United States...

  • Heart disease is the leading cause of death for men, women, and people of most racial and ethnic groups


  • One person dies every 34 seconds from cardiovascular disease


  • High blood pressure, cholesterol, and smoking are key risk factors for heart disease.

  • Every year, about 805,000 people have a heart attack.

Data from the

Our Scholarship

The scholarship was created in honor of our daughter living with Hypo-plastic Left Heart Syndrome (HLHS), a congenital heart defect. To be considered, an applicant must be an under-represented student attending MUSC and aspire to work with hearts as a cardiovascular perfusionist. $2,000 will be awarded annually to one recipient for tuition.

Classmates studying in a library
Donating is as simple as 1, 2, 3...

We are grateful that you are interested in donating to our scholarship. Your contribution will go towards tuition and will be tax deductible. The decision to support our efforts makes you a valuable part of our mission. We are that much stronger and impactful because of you.


1. Donate by check or money order.

    Make check/money order out to "MUSC Foundation" and mail to:

    MUSC Foundation c/o Nyla Brown Heart Scholarship

    Attn: Whitney Currin

    18 Bee Street | MSC 450,
    Charleston, South Carolina  29425

2. Donate online by clicking the "Donate Now" button below.

"Where there is no vision,
there is no hope."

- George Washington Carver -

An image of a college graduate with his degree.
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View a collection of videos throughout the years from our heart events.

2022 Heart Walk York Technical Child Development Center

2022 Heart Walk York Technical Child Development Center

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