In the aftermath of our dear daughter's transplant, we continue to make strides and impact hearts one beat at a time. Our family was graciously offered to share our story at the Medical University of South Carolina's (MUSC) 25th Annual Update on Perfusion Conference in a segment called HLHS Through Transplant.
The fortitude to present our family's story to a crowd of perfusionists, academics, and surgeons is unmatched. Bringing awareness also includes medical professionals who are unaware of how it feels to be a parent of a child with a heart defect. Most perfusionists are unknown to their patients. Most people do not know what a perfusionist does. By sharing our journey from conception to birth painted a picture that left no dry eyes in the room.
The 25th Annual Update on Perfusion Conference was held on October 25-28, 2023, at the Medical University of South Carolina in Charleston, South Carolina. The conference was attended by several hundred perfusionists, surgeons, researchers, and academics from across the country and was a great opportunity to learn about the latest advances in perfusion technology and practice.
The conference featured a variety of presentations on the latest advances in perfusion technology, clinical practice, and research. It was a valuable opportunity for perfusionists to stay up-to-date on the latest developments in their field and to network with colleagues from around the world.
Some of the highlights of the conference included:
A presentation on the use of artificial intelligence (AI) to improve perfusion outcomes.
A panel discussion on the past, present, and future of perfusion education and technology
Updates on the latest techniques for ECMO (extracorporeal membrane oxygenation) and cardiac surgery

Our hope by speaking is to humanize our experience. Our family is more than a case study. Once our loved one is in the operating room (OR) what you do is more than a job. Never take your position lightly or for granted. Come with your "A" game.
We depend on you to be the light when emotions are high and our voices are small. We depend on you to be open to our vulnerability and handle it with care. Never underestimate the mental state your patient and family may be in while on the receiving end.
Lying on that table isn't easy. Waking up unknowing is scary, too. Entrusting our lives in the hands of someone else is heavy. In connecting with our story, we hope the OR feels a little different, but in a good way.
We hope the next time a perfusionist or cardiac surgeon enters the OR they are equipped with the armor from our story. We are here. We are human. We have feelings. And we expect our lives to be valued respectfully and equally. Thank you to MUSC for giving us the platform to influence the lives of future perfusionists.
The Nyla D. Brown Heart Scholarship will be awarded to a under-represented student enrolled in the Cardiovascular Perfusion Program at the Medical University of South Carolina. Click here to learn more about our scholarship and the program.
